It is so different from yesteryear when a 501 (c) (3) organizations such as SSSPA/CODE were able to place outreach flyers in teachers' mail boxes for distribution to students. We are such an organization with a mission to keep costs down and provide an amazing environment to learn out dance and perform. Each county now has unique rules about information dissemination and requires almost a personal in-house understanding on how things can and are being done to get information to area kids and their families about us.
Since our visibility is limited due to our location, and we know we are one of the best and unique studios in the tri-county area, we need you NOW more than ever to let other people to know about us. Let them know about our dance programs from Toddler (Yaya) classes to our summer programs and fall program dance options. Encourage them to try out for our competition teams, and/or enjoy just taking class. We really want to share our studio with many others and have them become a part of our family too!
So here's how to help:
- share, Share, SHARE - Share everything from our fliers to our Facebook posts and tweets. If you haven't already, like our Facebook page here and share our posts. The more shares we get the more exposure is out there, and our "location" viability will be a thing of the past!
- See something, say something - If you see a child, teen, adult or anyone that needs to socialize or has that special something say something to them about us! We can tell you many stories about our students that have thrived in our environment all because they gave us a chance.
- Register early - Registering early gives us a better idea of how to manage class sizes. The more information we have about our incoming students the better prepared we will be to ensure your student gets the most out of their class
- Check-in - If you have a Facebook account, use the "check-in" feature to let your friends know you are here enjoying your child's love for dance
- Send us your photos - We LOVE featuring ALL of our dancers! Send us any photos you take from your child's class and we will make sure to publish it; whether it be on the website, instagram, twitter, or Facebook accounts
We appreciate ALL of our volunteers from the Moms & Dads to the Brothers & Sisters and all those in between.
Have a fabulous weekend and we will see you soon!
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